Trends are changing and i have realized most of the things i always saw in a James Bond movie years back are coming to life. 007 always has that Tech Wizard "Agent Q" who always makes gadgets to help Bond get out of danger. Back in the day these used to be so futuristic from the Glasses that would act as a camera ( remind you of Google Glass!!) , to the Watch that could explode, and not forgetting the pens.
We always love gadgets that make us smarter, gadgets that let us multitask and not miss a moment. This is the main reason why i think Microsoft has taken some time to catch up with the Smartphone and Tablet world, they thought Smart was not Sexy enough and guess who was laughing at them, both the consumers and the late Jobs.
Wearable Computers have been around for a while now but with a small selected consumer segment. I believe however, that people have come to appreciate them and are going to take them on for 2 reasons.
1) They add value and get the job done. Take Google glass for example, this baby lets you concentrate on what you are doing and not worry about pulling out your phone to take a moment. It gives you relevant information on the go. I can be able to witness moments as my friends are witnessing them thanks to Glass Live Sharing, tell me you wouldn't want to have it for your self.
2) Brand and Status: A Rolex Watch is the most luxurious watch on planet earth. This watch has over a century of constant innovation written down in it's history, and am not surprised a bit if it signifies wealth when a person is putting it on. I believe Rolex is going to meet some challenges as it has done the past years, and is set for harder times and this is why.
Companies like Samsung are putting out Galaxy Gears, which syncs with your Galaxy Note 3 and provides you with instant notification on social media, you can also answer a phone call with it, and this is just the start.
The iWatch from Apple is also still in pipeline so lets wait and see. Nike also has constantly improved the Nike FuelBand with more social features and much more battery which is good new to the athletes and to everyone who loves to jog around the park.
Anyway i rest my case. Leave me your take on Wearable computers in the comments section. See you next week.