Tuesday, 13 August 2013

GDG Busitema at the Orange Community Innovation Awards.

Over the last few month, some of the developers from GDG Busitema have been participating in the Orange community Innovation Awards. The Awards are aimed at getting Applications which solve some of the problems that are faced in the Agriculture, Health and Education Sectors in Uganda.

This year, 4 application were presented by developers from GDG Busitema and all of them made it to the final round. We also would like to congraturate Lunda Lite an Android App which won the Bronze title and 2.5 Million Uganda Shillings.

The finalist presented their apps to a great audience of people which also included the Prime Minister of Uganda. 

Carrer Guidance team Presenting to the Uganda Premier.

Below is a brief description of the Apps and some of the pictorial.1.       +CareerGThis is a mobile application that aims at providing career guidance to students who are high school and universities.It has six modules major modules that accomplish the task as far as career guidance is concerned. They include;
  • Career Guidance:
This gives guidance to O’level, A’ level and university students through guiding them on professions and courses to be offered so that they can attain certain profession.
This involves success quotes and education tips that help to motivates students as they are reading.Calculate weightsHelps students calculate university entry weights and lists the possible courses that can be offered with those weights.

2.       Luunda Lite Version·

        This is an agriculture mobile application that solves the problem of poultry farmers in Uganda and abroad.·         It provides custom and general diagnosis of chicken to determine the disease the chicken is suffering from.·         It also shows the location of feed stores, markets and drug stores using Google Maps.·         It also has a chat server where farmers can share information, comment and exchange ideas.

3.       UgFirstAid·      

   Provides first aid tips for the most common accidents and information of these accidents.  It also gives the tips on first aid.

4.       Noisy Gates·         This application reads noise levels and sends them to the concerned organization to regulate the noise.·         It also shows the location on the maps using the Google maps the location of the noisy place using geocoding.

Congrats to the Bronze Winners.